Monday, July 7, 2008


Another day, another dime.

Spent most of the day tweaking copy for the Ole Miss Debate Web site. Not the most fun job, but really important. The real brains behind the Web effort are M.K. Smith and Robby Seitz.

Started off with three meetings in the morning.
1. With Debbie (the workshorse)
2. The new media team
3. The PR folks

Also had a one-hour conference call with Professor Neil Manson from Ole Miss and several really fine science writers. They are putting on a panel discussion on September 18. Included in today's call:

Ronald Bailey, Science Correspondent, Reason Magazine
Jonathan D. Moreno, Ph.D., Editor, Science Progress, U of Penn. Professor
Christopher Mooney, Freelance Science Writer, steering commitee member of Science 2008
Neil Manson, Ph.D., Ole Miss
Noel Wilkin, Ph.D., Associate Provost, Ole Miss
Ralph Braseth (yeah, me)

Going to be a heckuva panel that I suspect will generate a good bit of national media. So far, there is no "science platform" from any prez candidate. That is the story according to these guys.

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