Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Flip side

Should have made this post first. The colors are off for some reason. The logo is a light blue as is the print on the black backgound. Should have mentioned that we also had our letterhead and envelopes printed. We have made an effort to maintain some continuity in our promtional efforts and overall image. Ha....we've yet to make our first dime. We also have a web site for Oxford FilmWorks that needs some serious updating. All in due time.

So why blog about a dinky start-up business? Well, maybe we'll be a Fortune 500 company someday and this will serve as a decent little history. Actually, I'm trying to get Bailey thinking about everything we do and forcing him to make posts on a regular basis might sharpen his writing skills.

Note to all readers, especially those with a business background. We are open to all suggestions and recommendations.

Oh yeah, another reason for the blog (using Google's Blogger tool), is the fact we may move up a slot or two on a Google search of Oxford and video or photo production.
We should probably begin to focus on developing a real business plan.

Anyone interested in investing in Oxford FilmWorks? Or perhaps someone will buy us out for a cool $million or two.

Big Step

Spent $471 dollars designing and printing 2,500 4X9 rack-size cards (18 cents per card) for publicity. We will put these under wiper blades, on front porches, give them to strangers on the street and "paper" out little Oxford hamlet. We don't really know, but the design and message looks good to us. The bio info on the backside may be a waste of space, but in a small town like ours, people will want to know who we are. That this is a father/son project may make it more appealing. Be interesting to see what the result is.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Dad's Post


So here's the question. How long will this last? Will Bailey have the ability to sustain the energy to actually get this thing off the ground. If so, the little dude can write his own ticket. I think the key will be to focus on the low-end work to start with. Legal video and insurance work. The art and movies come later.
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Day Two


This is our second day with the business and i just got an email from my dad saying that we just ordered 2,500 brochure and im really stoked on that. I just got back from school and i can't wait for the brochures to come in because im ready to get this thing started. We came up with the idea just last week for this and we have already started on it witch is very suprising to me i am going to learn from my dad but mostly the experience of doing it myself. I have enjoyed shooting and watching video for years but only recently becoming to take it seriously and to take it as a passion and what i want to do for a living. I am also getting into using video editing i just got an editing system called "Final Cut Express HD" which is really awsome and comes with LiveType 1.5 & Soundtrack 2 and i really love using those and learning them... thats about all i have to say today.

-Blogged by Bailey B.
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Day 1 with Ralph and Bailey Braseth

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This is the day we kicked off our little business. We will see where it goes from here. Today we also designed our first brochure that we hope to have 2,500 copies of printed in the next 10 days.